Hi there!

I’ve resided here since 2004-01-14 (according to whois lookup)

  • Your heart is at the service of yourself, and not to please others.

    Your life is how you choose to lead it.

    You can make everyday, wherever you are, paradise.

    The sky is always blue. Even when it’s covered by clouds, the colour remains.

    When you are fully present, you realise that there is a vast space within you waiting to be filled with more love & with more of life’s joy. Be where your feet are more often, or you’ll miss it.

    The enemy of great love is a lack of communication.

    Unhappiness comes when we try to control situations that aren’t ours to control. When we allow ourselves to be free, the world guides us with its force, driving us on. Let go & let life lead.

    Smile more, laugh more, love more. Do dumb things more often, try new things frequently, be genuine, kind, forgiving & do what your heart desires.

    Mostly, enjoy the ride.

    Life’s too long to be too serious.

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  • Hello World

    It’s been a while hasn’t it?

    What’s been happening?

  • I received an old photo from a friend this evening, it was taken in 2011. In this photo was people I was closest to, we’d see each other every weekend or at least every other weekend. We would plan holidays / getaways just to let loose and have a whole lot of fun.

    Fast forward 8 years, and we are no way in touch with each other. Neither parties are bothered to get in touch with one another, so I don’t blame anyone but just the sad reality of it all.

    I sometimes think there’s a sad reality of still having a blog, and updating once a year. (Publicly at least – you’re absolutely right, there’s a treasure trove of goodies hidden somewhere in here)

  • Pretty happy how this year has turned out.

    New opportunities.

    New changes.

    This change in my life is one I’d only think would be close to impossible to happen.

    I’m grateful. I’m happy and excited for what’s to come.

    Let bygones be bygones, let all the negativity in the past be just about the past.

    Move onwards and upwards, with positivity.

  • An attempt to share all I think it’s worth the while sharing about. 

    An insane tune! Definitely something that keeps the 2016 memories so alive like it happened just yesterday!